Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Resources - Wedding

If you haven't done so already, sign up for an account with I found it to be a great resource and I used the Budget Manager just about everyday. This site also has great pictures that I printed out and brought to vendors.

Also, get yourself to a wedding expo, big or small. They really give you a good chance to meet vendors and most importantly, pick up valuable coupons (rentals, tuxes, etc), and taste wedding cake!

You can find shows here: The biggest show is in January at the Seattle Convention Center:

I was on the BridesClub mailing list so I got a couple emails from them everyday. This was sometimes annoying, but I actually found a couple vendors that way, because each email contained coupons/discount offers for different wedding related things. Therefore, I think it is worth it.

Pick up Seattle Bride Magazine if you haven’t already. It has a LOT of local information. and is another good sight with a long list of local vendors. I especially like Junebugs Best of Lists:

Martha Stewart Weddings – there is a good checklist in her magazine and online.

TIP: If you get a call from someone saying that you were selected for a great prize and you need to go somewhere to receive it... DON'T GO! You will sit through a 3 hour presentation on pots and pans and then receive awful door prizes. However cool the gifts sound, DON'T GO!!! This call often happens after wedding shows.

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